Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Stanwell Danish Design Pipes

I've got a new article written over on Squidoo. It's a nice story on how I got my Stanwell Danish Design Pipe. Pipe smoking is a subject that I am very passionate about. I find most other pipe smokers can be passionate about their hobby too. Many people become pipe collectors as we are never satisfied with one pipe. It doesn't do to smoke a pipe more than once a day to give a chance to dry out from the moisture in the tobacco so we have a great excuse to have at least 7 and often very many more.

I get around the problem by smoking largely Falcon pipes as they have detachable bowls. I've got a few bowls and I just swap them around through the day which suits me fine.

I've got some links to the article in case you want to jump to the section that most interests you but as it's a story about how I got my pipe rather than a pipe review you may want to read the entire article.

1 comment:

  1. My Stanwell Pipe is my new favourite. Even better than my Savinelli!
